Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Confirmation... continued

Well, apparently since I am not an actual member of a Catholic parish, I have to provide a letter from a parish stating that I am "in good standing" in the church. Are you kidding me? I'm not even sure what that means. From the research I have done "in good standing" can mean anything from not being excommunicated and being eligible to receive the sacraments (there is an i word for this, but I can't remember it) to meaning goes to mass regularly and receives the sacraments regularly. Of course my question is how do I get a parish to write that letter if I'm not a member of a parish and don't go to mass regularly? So, I've e-mailed Father Breen at St. Ann's (my parents ARE members there). I got an e-mail back from the church secretary that she would give the e-mail to him and I should hear back from either him or one of the deacons, but so far... nada.

I am so frustrated and sad - I could just cry, and, in fact, have. It seems so unfair and honestly if I have to admit that Chuck was right (see post on how you say something), I may just never get over it. Of course, it's not his fault. I know whose fault it is. It's so much easier to blame someone else than yourself though.

I love my cousin and I love God and I believe I can be a good role model for her. I really, really want to be her sponsor. I was so excited and now I feel like I've been punched in the gut or whopped upside the head.

Oh well. That's all I've got for now. I'll write more when I know more!


  1. I don't want to go all negative on the Catholic church, because I have some absolutely wonderful Catholic friends that could easily upstage me with their love and knowledge of God. But sometimes churches have some rules and traditions that are there just because it's always been that way. In this case, I suppose I understand -- maybe it makes sense that a Catholic confirmation would require a Catholic sponsor. I'm sure they wouldn't let me do it either.

    Hope you find out some good news.

  2. That's part of the problem, Scott. I have a lot of issues with the Catholic church myself and I grew up Catholic... went to Catholic schools all the way. Really, it depends on the parish as to how lenient they would be on this issue - this particular parish is more conservative. Still, I don't know what to do... I'm just frustrated.
